Title: I WON?????
created on 05 Nov 08

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Brigitte wrote:
 What am I going to do now????
2. Login wrote:
 Don't worry ... you'll do just fine.
3. Dalaiwmn wrote:
 Yes we won
4. Atina wrote:
 What we have won remains to be seen.
5. hxxhxx wrote:
 We won avoidance of President Palin, we won the end of our Civil War, and we won back the respect of the rest of the world for giving a chance to an underdog. Now, we need to stop funneling money from the poor to the rich, grow our middle class, and work
6. Atina wrote:
 I fear you are mistaken if you think this culture of death(ie: abortion on demand) will bring this country anything but the wrath of God. History shows this to be true.

User: Brigitte

Profile Picture for Brigitte

Date joined: 31 Oct 2008

Number of pictures: 8