Title: the empty bag LA BOLSA VACIA
created on 22 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. polenta wrote:
 Let's not forget those who can't have presents.
2. franca wrote:
 Hai ragione, molti non avranno regali questo natale. Bel disegno!!!!
3. polenta wrote:
 I meant to draw a very slim Santa Claus.... as you may see.
4. lilalee wrote:
 Yes, he is thin and trim!!
5. hxxhxx wrote:
 wow. first, the bilingual title is cool. second, the slim well-built santa seems like a moral point: get rid of stuff and you become a hot-looking person! (I thought that all the work of distributing gifts made him lose fat)
6. Heidi2323 wrote:
 I keep coming back to this one. Such a cool picture,