Title: test (>)
created on 17 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. matthew wrote:
 Oh COOL...
2. mekeys wrote:
 How did you slow it down ??is it a secret ???
3. Baldur wrote:
 mekeys, place multiples of each piece down on top of each other, or in some inconspicuous place to slow it down. But it takes lots of pieces
4. midnightpoet wrote:
 what I did with this was just use the yellow pieces to slow it down. if you place one of the yellow petals where it's already yellow, it doesn't show up, because there's no edge on it.
5. Doug wrote:
 WOW! finally someone figured it out, but we can't do all animations in yellow darn it!
6. mekeys wrote:
 I did one of my pictures and overlayed each piece 10 times and it still played back too fast..

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