Title: Shocked
created on 04 Dec 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Shanley wrote:
 couldn't help trying something new....just in case somebody wonders about this 'spots' look :P
2. indigo wrote:
 The reflections on her face make me think of shadows that rain drops on a window pain would produce...or light shining through a lace curtain...mysterious! Anyway it's a good pic!
3. Shanley wrote:
 thank you for commenting, Indigo. I really appreciate it. I was indeed looking for a light-shaddow effect, but tried to leave alone the usual grey shading.
4. indigo wrote:
 -pain (LOL) pane!
5. Shanley wrote:
 yeah...more than shocked...shocking :))
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 A great use of gothic elements for a dark and interesting pic!
7. pollyesther wrote:
 Very nice! it looks like light filtering through leaves.
8. Arw65 wrote:
 this is lovely, thanks for joining the challenge!!