Title: only a field
created on 13 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. danila wrote:
 carino..dal basso all'alto,verso il cielo..very nice
2. danila wrote:
 prova a are i voti..scegli sempre il 5 come mi hanno suggerito per votare e salire..quando cliccji RATE,se non sei ancora registrata ti arriva la mail..
3. danila wrote:
 ecco indicazioni datemi da Angela:
4. franca wrote:
 OK ci provero'. Ciao
5. danila wrote:
 Whenever you give a vote, make it 5. You don't ever have to have below 5 stars and it takes so long to pull it up to 5 when even 1 vote is below. That's what we do - only use the 5.

User: franca

Profile Picture for franca

Date joined: 23 Oct 2009

Number of pictures: 259

 Nursery Rhymes
 Christmas Holidays
 City Life
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 At the Beach
 Under the Sea