Title: Technicolor Dreamcoat
created on 27 Sep 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. belladonnis wrote:
 Inspired by hipchick! I her pics!
2. belladonnis wrote:
 Maybe one day abstract and the goth designs will get more attention. They need to because they are all so very creative!
3. zoey08 wrote:
 I love my mommys picure!!!
4. Hazer wrote:
 So do I!
5. Doug wrote:
 Your'e right! It is a shame that the "different arts" aren't recognized. Its the same old "artistas" that copy pictures or make conventional piks that get the votes. Oh well, won't stop me from being myself.
6. CoyoteGirl wrote:
 You're right Doug. The art critic(s) here have a very narrow view. I am an artist but certainly not interested in seeing how much time I can spend trying to put bits together. AND I would point out that some of the most brilliant pieces are from children
7. CoyoteGirl wrote:
 and THEY GO IGNORED!!! And so does the subtlety, which I love. Oh Never Mind.
8. CoyoteGirl wrote:
 This is fantastic! Love it X10!
9. Krystenkuhn wrote:
 I just saw the play "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"! It was outstanding!! GREAT JOB!!