Title: Cargo ship docking at Int. Space Station
created on 24 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. Margaret wrote:
 WOW! This is amazing.
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 This is awesome, Doug! Hey, where is this space theme coming from anyway? I couldn't find any of these space pics in the mugdots challenge, so I'm thinking there's a new one. Maybe I should check the showcase?
3. indigo wrote:
 I thought about the Space Station but couldn't figure out how to do it...but you did a GREAT JOB!
4. Robindcr8l wrote:
 OK, duh, just delete that last comment. I should check the showcase once in awhile. LOL
5. Doug wrote:
 Thats ok! It took me three tries and 2 days just to get something that didn't look too stupid. lol.
6. katpedro wrote:
 Very good.
7. Qsilv wrote:
8. Normal wrote:
 Wowj! You have a great feel for space events.
9. mekeys wrote:
 Looks like your ideas are OK to me..
10. marius wrote:
11. lilalee wrote:
 I've been on that ship!!!
12. sheftali52 wrote:
 Very nice!!!
13. slaaga wrote:
 Nice job. Its been a while since I've been on, someone has been hogging the computer
14. Nikkie wrote:
15. buckeye1 wrote:
 I love NASA-I'm just saying