Title: The SPACE between a Blonde's Ears
created on 23 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. solosater wrote:
 Some of you other Natural Blondes will have noticed the dark roots... BTW, I'm Naturally Blonde too.
2. indigo wrote:
 Well OK cause for a minute there.....(smile) I'm an NB too.
3. solosater wrote:
 I've decided the "Dumb blonde" myth is a campaign started by the brunettes and redheads of the world as pay back for the whole "Blondes have more fun thing"
4. solosater wrote:
 fun" thing... But then again I jokingly tell people that when I go red as I sometimes do it's for "Artificial Intelligence" so I'm not helping.
5. indigo wrote:
6. lilalee wrote:
 Blondes, DO have more fun!!
7. solosater wrote:
 I have no proof of that. I can break down on the side of the road and even if I showed a little leg Id get nothin', I've been out dancing with friends - I'm the purse girl. I don't mind, I'm just sayin'...
8. solosater wrote:
 I can fix my own flat tire and change my own oil and even top off ALL my fluids and when I go Out to "dance" I'm there for me not some guy thinkin' he's gonna' get some.
9. solosater wrote:
 It has been my experience that the "Bottle Blondes" do have more fun. Marilyn was a bottle blonde, Jessica Simpson - BB, Madonna - BB, Heather Locklear - BB.
10. solosater wrote:
 I rest my case.
11. marius wrote:
 Ha ha - was hoping there'd be some "space humor." Thanks, solosater. And, several bottled blondes have met tragic fates, doesn't sound fun to moi. : )
12. gwinnyb wrote:
 this is a kick, blonds really are fun!

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