Title: The birdfeeder is empty
created on 17 Jul 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. sheftali52 wrote:
 Had to fill my birdfeeders today--most of them were either empty or almost empty. I put out wild bird seed, sunflower seed, safflower seed, thistle, and suet. Oh, and sugar water for the hummers.
2. Robindcr8l wrote:
 My birds go through an entire finch feeder in about 2 days. My kitty has found a secret perch under the shrub that is right beneath the bird feeder. I haven't found any casualties yet, but it feels a little like "bait and shoot"
3. pollyesther wrote:
 very nice drawing and nice that you refilled them=)
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 Thx pollyesther. Lol Robin! There aren't any cats under my feeders, as my dogs rule the yard fiercely.
5. indigo wrote:
 When I had birdfeeders, the squirrels use to go to town on them...till I started feeding them peanut butter sandwiches and grapes. Then they didn't bother so much with the bird seeds and also left everyone else's feeders alone too!
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 Hmmm....peanut butter sandwiches and grapes? Glad to hear that worked!
7. kaylynn wrote:
 Cute picture. You are taking good care of the birds in your yard. I'm going to get some seed.
8. Login wrote:
 There's one homing in right now.

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