Title: Summer Lake
created on 11 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. polenta wrote:
 there is a question in your profile. You and your husband can learn Korean together... or travel to Korea to practice it. GOOD LUCK!!!
2. polenta wrote:
 So Korean is phonetic and not ideographic like Chinese or Japanese.....
3. kyung wrote:
 Both born in Korea, grew and lived upto 32. We use Korean just by INSTINCT. English, by learning! Yes, it is PHONETIC!
4. kaylynn wrote:
 Very pretty!
5. kyung wrote:
 Thank you, kaylynn!
6. marius wrote:
 A visual feast. How lovely!
7. kyung wrote:
 Thank you, marius! To me; summer means noisy gathering of strong colors!
8. marius wrote:
 I LOVE what summer means to you! That's as pretty as the picture!
9. marius wrote:
 Kyung, just a thought. Would you consider starting a forum/challenge and call it: "Summer: a noisy gathering of strong colors!" I bet a LOT of people would get inspired to draw something with the lyrical way you said that! I just drew something, not sure
10. marius wrote:
 it's what I had in mind cause not sure how to use strong colors, but bet people would be inspired with your idea! Thanks!
11. marius wrote:
 Deleted mine cause don't want to use any of your words. Hope you do this.