Title: Get me out of here (2000)
created on 05 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (23):
1. KStanley wrote:
 Congratulations. 2000 and many more to caome.
2. Baldur wrote:
 Very sweet yet oddly phallic. Congratulations
3. indigo wrote:
 Bravo mekeys...to the next 1000!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 Yayyyyyyyy! congrats!
5. mekeys wrote:
 1000 was on Mar 10th.. now 87 days later another 1000 thats 11.494252 per day.. WHEW no wonder i'm tired..
6. mekeys wrote:
 I must be tired i forgot one of the blue bits near the bottom..
7. polenta wrote:
 Perfect mathematician mekeys congrats.
8. lilalee wrote:
 Mel, your so funny!! When TD goes down in history, your name will be carved into the foundation!! Good for you!!
9. mekeys wrote:
 Baldur that didn't enter my mine..
10. ZeroMerc wrote:
11. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments it's been fun..2000 drawings and two in top five whats a guy got to do anyway.???
12. lulu4 wrote:
 Wow, thats a lot of pics and a lot of time. Congrats on the top 5,s!
13. marg wrote:
 CONGRATULATIONS, mel ! Keep 'em coming - they're ALL good !
14. gwinnyb wrote:
 amazing mel, it makes me tired to think about it. congratulations on time spent creatively
15. arty wrote:
 Don't worry mel, all great artists leave their signature. Yours is the missing blue piece. Real cool
16. katpedro wrote:
17. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments i really appreciate them..I'm too too sure about another 1000..Unless you let me do all of them in gothic theme..
18. mekeys wrote:
 By the way that was the gingerbread man speaking not me..(check play)
19. Doug wrote:
 outstanding work from an outstanding artist. once again congrats on 2000! I've always admired your work.
20. matthew wrote:
 Heres to 10,000 Mel... :)
21. mekeys wrote:
 matthew i don't think so..Right now i'm thinking 2000 is enough..
22. invinciblehenry wrote:
23. five wrote:
 congrats on 2000