Title: Can I Keep Them Mom?
created on 05 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. lilalee wrote:
 Another cute story we have our children come home with !! Please, with that little lip out!! She's sweet, Kathy!!
2. KStanley wrote:
 She is just so adorable... How could any parent so NO?
3. lulu4 wrote:
 She is just too cute!!!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 This is just as adorable as The Lost Child!!!
5. kmkagle wrote:
 Inspired from a statue I have on my patio.
6. marg wrote:
 so sweet - is that a basket of puppies ?
7. kmkagle wrote:
 It's a wagon of puppies!
8. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Cute as can be!
9. arty wrote:
 Just tears every parents heart
10. bagel wrote:
 SOOOO so CUTE. I love it!
11. gwinnyb wrote:
 uh oh.. here come the puppies. more work for mom, and her expecting and all. I hope dad pitches in. I love your family saga
12. Login wrote:
 This is delightful. When my son was a toddler, he chose a kitten from a litter ... they were great buddies from that day on ... more like brothers.
13. kaylynn wrote:
 This is really cute!