Title: HOPE in Korean
created on 03 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. kyung wrote:
 ì†Œë§(so mang) means hope in Korean. It is so nice that I have a chance to introduce my language to my dear TDers. :o)
2. sheftali52 wrote:
 excellent, kyung! Thanks for the language info.
3. kyung wrote:
 Thanks for your comment, sheftali52! I have been worrying after submission whether I did something not useful at all. Now I am relieved :o)
4. papergirl wrote:
 Hello, I just saw your comment on my gothic picture, the center elements are made from the purple arch shape but it is put together at a different angle. try playback again.
5. kyung wrote:
 It is a pinwheel! Thanks, papergirl.