Title: The Lee-Dynasty White Porcelain
created on 02 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. sheftali52 wrote:
 very creative, very nice gothic pic!!
2. indigo wrote:
3. lilalee wrote:
 I imagine you have some beautiful pieces at your home too!!
4. kyung wrote:
 Yes! It is just in front of my notebook computer. One of my father's friends made it for me. Actually my father gave it to me.
5. katpedro wrote:
 Very nice.
6. lilalee wrote:
 Wel, a beautiful peice!! There use to be a Chinese store in Toledo, back in the "50's, that I loved. A friend gave me a beautiful dragon, thats almost 2ft long. Which I treasure!!
7. polenta wrote:
 Excellent use of the background shield as you took adventage of the shadows it has. The rest is also excellent. A piece of art in gothic.
8. kyung wrote:
 Wow! It must be great!!
9. kaylynn wrote:
 Very nice drawing.
10. five wrote: