Title: (>) count the squares
created on 25 May 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. mebu27 wrote:
 It is like a guessing game ....
2. larr wrote:
 I'll say 1000.
3. mekeys wrote:
 Hey another good one..
4. raydog wrote:
 What is it???????????????????
5. lilalee wrote:
 Lots and lots, and lots, and LOTS!!!!
6. ZeroMerc wrote:
 (x + 1 = y) Y being the answer to the number of squares in the picture.... I win... LOL! Good Job!!
7. nancylee wrote:
8. sheftali52 wrote:
 This was a lot of fun to watch in playback. I think there must be at least a zillion squares!