Title: Alex, playing in the yard
created on 08 May 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. KStanley wrote:
2. sheftali52 wrote:
3. lilalee wrote:
 Is this a neighbor boy? So sweet! Love boys!
4. kmkagle wrote:
 This is my neighbor and friend's son, he's 2 years old and a little imitator! Repeats everything you say. Just at that cute age.
5. kmkagle wrote:
 He's on his way to digging up his mom's new garded!
6. kmkagle wrote:
 I meant to say, digging up his mom's new garden.
7. kaylynn wrote:
 This is so cute.
8. Doug wrote:
 and his dad's new grass more like it!!!
9. Login wrote:
 I remember helping my dad, when he was planting his potatoes ... I went along the row behind him, breaking off all those little white shoots (tidying up). He didn't even get angry with me ... just told other gardeners about it for years to come.
10. kmkagle wrote:
 Hed Doug, dad didn't put the grass in. Oh, you threw the seed, mom dug up the dirt for the seed! I did see you lift the hay to make sure it was coming up. Ha, Ha!!!
11. anotherronism wrote:
 Great one!
12. mostblessedone wrote:
 Little boys at play are so much fun to watch!