Title: I’m so going to get her for this!
created on 07 May 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. solosater wrote:
 I can’t sit because of the bustle, the wind is trying to rip this daft hat off my head with all my hair attached and this corset is going to kill me. Oh, she’s so going to pay when it’s my turn!
2. Baldur wrote:
 this is brilliant
3. solosater wrote:
 Thanks, I've been thinking about it since I found matthew's Northern Lights; decided it was time!
4. sheftali52 wrote:
 way to go!!
5. kmkagle wrote:
 I'm sitting here try to figure out what this is before reading the notes, then take a good look. Pretty dress! Nice work. I guess she would have a hard time sitting down! Maybe somebody's under there?
6. solosater wrote:
 She's wearing a bustled dress, they were popular in part of the 1800s, Edwardian I believe, a few years ago the look came back in bridal and prom dresses.
7. kmkagle wrote:
 It's the way I was looking at the pic. It is pretty. I can't imagine wearing that. Can you? You'd sit 1 foot higher than your date and probably scare the heck out of him!!!!
8. solosater wrote:
 The original ones were collapsable(sp?) metal contraptions that were guite heavy and uncomfortable, or so I've read, I'm kinda' into historical costuming. The look is now achieved by bunching the fabric up and is stiffened only with netting.
9. solosater wrote:
 Also they're not so high; quite comfortable really and there is no height added when you sit.

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