Title: 80s Madonna
created on 24 Apr 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Trixie wrote:
 really cool!!!
2. cutegrl289 wrote:
 I think she should have left the mole...
3. lilalee wrote:
 Much nicer than Madonnas'
4. cutegrl289 wrote:
 Thanks! The nose didn't turn out quite how I wanted it, but I'll settle. :-)
5. lilalee wrote:
 She was probably thinking of how the mole would look at old age!! More like a wart at 60!!
6. sheftali52 wrote:
 wow--great lips!!
7. polenta wrote:
 all the pieces so orderly put and yet there is such an artistic effect. The nose is a beauty, it caught my eye. And the effect of the teeth is so good.
8. kmkagle wrote:
 cutegrl289: Thank you for the lovely compliment. As a matter of fact I just did her picture. I hope you like it. She's very cute and I couldn't resist!