Title: should I stop making these?
created on 26 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. mebu27 wrote:
 Are you all sick of seeing these yet??????????
2. lilalee wrote:
 not me! Their nice,besides it gets you use to the tools!!
3. mekeys wrote:
 Don't stop,,yours are some of the neatest i've seen on TD..Almost half of all my pictures are Gothic.I'm not going to stop!!!!....MEL
4. mebu27 wrote:
 thanks guys - I'm just feeling redundant
5. mebu27 wrote:
 this one is fun to play back - and it doesn't take forever to load
6. lynnspotter wrote:
 Yes it is!
7. indigo wrote:
 Whoa! VERY nice!
8. Dragon wrote:
 I like these. I'd say keep doing them as long as they're interesting to you. If you're bored try something else you can always do more of these when you want.
9. Dragon wrote:
 You're right, it's neat to watch the playback on!
10. mostblessedone wrote:
 Why stop if you're having fun?!
11. DMarcella wrote:
 I love it. Just remember too the votes are down in numbers right now.
12. Qsilv wrote:
 Are you kidding?? NO! Don't stop making these! Ok ok, do other stuff too if you like, but this is soooo clearly something your mind does well and happily and.. erm.. did I mention... really really well? This one, btw, would make a gorgeous ceramic tile.