Title: 14 is the answer, what is the question?
created on 09 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Login wrote:
 How many days in a fortnight.
2. mebu27 wrote:
 how many nights on a 2 week cruise?
3. mebu27 wrote:
 1/2 your age?
4. puzzler wrote:
 What's Matthew's IQ??
5. kmkagle wrote:
 Ernie - this is cute. Puzzler - you're too much! I'm laughing so hard I can hardly see this.
6. Ernie wrote:
 No, it's how many hours did i spend at work yesterday
7. NINA wrote:
 Oh & I killed myself drawing the question
8. Dragon wrote:
 Well I know it's not the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything, 'cause that answer is 67!
9. Ernie wrote:
 isnt it 42???
10. gwinnyb wrote:
 I think it is what is too much. I love this. hey! don't work so hard

User: Ernie

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