Title: Fresh from the Grave
created on 06 Mar 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Baldur wrote:
 Unbeknownst to Junior and Isaac Face the reanimated corpses of Junior's Mother and baby Sister have been following them.
2. Dragon wrote:
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this all taking place outside a "Thongs - R - Us" store? (If so, I hope they have to go inside!)
3. Baldur wrote:
 Actually , yes it is. This is a random urban setting used to add local color.
4. Dragon wrote:
 Awesome choice of local color. Perhaps matthew will stop by, seems like his kind of store.
5. matthew wrote:
 Dang... I thought I was the 1st to catch the little thong store detail... Beaten by a cold blooded &!*@# again... Sigh... Now time to shop... Hope Baldur hasn't been trying them all on...
6. Dragon wrote:
 Hey! Who you calling cold blooded? I'll assure you that I'm hot blooded, check it and see - I've got a fever of a hundred and three!