Title: Molly
created on 06 Jun 23

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. indigo wrote:
 OMG! Is she yours? Soooo cute!!
2. chellalynn wrote:
 Hi molly! auntie chell cant wait to see you girls today.. (o;
3. KliaMia wrote:
 Thanks Indigo, and yes Molly is one of my fur babies. I inherited her when my mom passed away a year ago. She's a sweetie. :) And Molly is watching for her Auntie Chell to arrive. Both of my girls love their auntie!
4. indigo wrote:
 Sorry about you mom. Fur babies are wonderful! We lost ours almost 9 months ago. She became ill suddenly and xrays showed cancer.:( She was a mini Australian Shepherd, a Blue Merle and her name was Ocean. We adopted her 2 1/2 years ago.
5. indigo wrote:
 Anyway she was the light of our lives and we miss her so much. You kiss and hug your fur babies cause you never know.
6. KliaMia wrote:
 Thanks for sharing about Ocean. I know how hard it is to see them suffer and make those decisions. Since I couldn't have children, my dogs are part of my family. Molly is a Shih Tsu/Maltese and Minnie is a Min Pin/Chihuahua.

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