Title: Raising Monarchs 2
created on 03 Feb 09

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. nancylee wrote:
 You've seen common milkweed by the roadside. There are others with orange, red-orange, and red-pink flowers. Monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed - it's pretty much the only thing monarch caterpillars eat.
2. Baldur wrote:
 I let milkweed grow in my flowerbeds for that very reason. It was easy enough to introduce to the garden, I picked a seed pod just before it exploded.
3. Baldur wrote:
 When it split open I scattered the seeds and let them blow all over the place. My neighbors must hate me. LOL
4. nancylee wrote:
 Yeah, my neighbors have their problems with me. Even my son thinks I have gone too far with thistles. But the goldfinches love them!
5. Baldur wrote:
 I like watching the one brave finch that dive-bombs head first into to dried up seedhead to make it scatter the seeds. It's fun to watch.
6. Baldur wrote:
 I dug up some thistle plants from a vacant lot and brought them home years ago, there didn't seem to be any near here.
7. Baldur wrote:
 The finches do the same thing with the seadheads of tne Echinacea too
8. nancylee wrote:
 This is a completely different side of you Baldur!