Title: Twister
created on 23 Oct 19

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. evefoster wrote:
 two twisters ran parallel a block away from our street they took out over 100 power poles and we lost our electricity
2. evefoster wrote:
 but only for 2 days... workers came from all over the US ro help rebuild miles of power lines
3. evefoster wrote:
 when the power came on last night I went outside the front of my house to unplug one of three generators .
4. evefoster wrote:
 others emerged from their homes as well at the same time.. we looked at one another and we all did the happy dance and cheered
5. evefoster wrote:
 we are so addicted to electricity .. but even tho we only suffered the loss of electricity for a measly two days .. others lost their lives and loved ones , their homes and everything in it
6. evefoster wrote:
  the twisters came without warning well after the sun had gone down.. so no one could see them... crazy thing is, at no time in recorded history has a tornado traveled anywhere near where I live
7. evefoster wrote:
  truly I never thought it was even a possibility .. when twisters come they always hit the same areas , never where we live.. crazy.. might have something to do with man messing with the climate.. chem trail and all..
8. evefoster wrote:
  the day it happened my husband and our 6year old daughter went to the pet store and came home with an iguana .. he had to sleep on my chest all night while the power was out and I had to hold him close all day
9. evefoster wrote:
 No way to keep him warm without electricity .. He was happy to stay put..he doesn't like being cold
10. evefoster wrote:
 cool thing, we are super bonded now.. he is the coolest lizard ! so much fun and personality ..
11. evefoster wrote:
 Oh thank you all who comment on my artwork, you guys are all so sweet.. and really .. Thank you for taking the time to comment means a lot to me , I value your thoughts and opinions
12. KliaMia wrote:
 Eve - I'm so glad to know that you and your family (and new iguana) are all safe. How scary!! And, regarding comment 7 above, I think you may be on to something. ;)
13. Lizzi wrote:
 I think you got it in #7, too. So glad all is well with you and yours but how terrifying and tragic for many!
14. Lizzi wrote:
 Great PB and well shown in your night mode.
15. indigo wrote:
 Glad to know that you are all safe and sound. Lucky iguana, they're really nice! Tornadoes are very frightening. We've had a few here in Ottawa in the last couple of years. Very scary! Ditto #7.:(