Title: tree or leaf?
created on 31 Jan 09

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Ernie wrote:
 On first glance, maple leaf. but then theres no veins, so i think tree.
2. katpedro wrote:
 Yes tree,looks like a Christmas tree.
3. marg wrote:
 sorry.. will come back to this .. just seen the others !
4. NINA wrote:
 I like your leaf, your birds and most of your other animals
5. sheftali52 wrote:
 leaf or tree, it's an enigma, but nice!
6. nancylee wrote:
 this was really the trial for the leaf in the tree frog picture. I wanted to point it in this direction so that I could use the antlers as veins (you can see them at the top) but I could not get this view to look like it was lying down.