Title: S for Sacred
created on 29 Apr 18

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Normal wrote:
 Magnificent henge! There's one down the road from here at an ancient Indian mound site which is mad of wood.
2. artdillon wrote:
 sounds very interesting. I ve always had a fascination for ancient sites such as stone henge we know much more about sites in the past few years than ever thanks to modern science and technology.
3. Autumnlily199 wrote:
 I love the colors in this one!
4. Waltonro wrote:
 very nice.
5. BayleeVaughn0826 wrote:
 would have never thought that this was made out of candy but looks great
6. Normal wrote:
 Did they every figure out how the ancient folks got those heavy crosswise stones up on top?
7. woolseyki wrote:
 This is super cool!
8. AFSOUTH wrote:
9. artdillon wrote:
 mainly with trestles, pulleys and horses with a fair amount of sweat.
10. Normal wrote:
 And the occasional smashed finger.
11. Marahharris wrote:
 very cool
12. winemom365 wrote:
 the angle on this is beautiful it really makes the artwork
13. dazhaneb wrote:
 awesome, looks so real.