Title: remembering those who died on 9-11
created on 11 Sep 15

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Normal wrote:
 Blood and tears - very appropriate.
2. Fangzzz wrote:
 Thank you for this. Seems the it was just too quiet on the subject. It is so completely right as it is about those that perished.
3. janice wrote:
 thanks both of you
4. chirping1 wrote:
 Very fitting tribute Janice, beautifully done.
5. janice wrote:
 thank you chirping1, I was hoping it was tastefully done and a fitting tribute.
6. clrmered wrote:
 Never Forget!
7. katidid wrote:
 Ditto Normal and all.
8. janice wrote:
 thank you clrmered~~~and katidid, I will never forget them.