Title: After Frederick William Booty
created on 25 Aug 15

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. indigo wrote:
 Beautifully done chirping! *{* Sadly favs are full.
2. katidid wrote:
 Looks just like the water color that it is! It's called 'Riverside Village with Ruins Beyond' if my research is correct. So well done!
3. chirping1 wrote:
 Quite correct katidid! My other hobby is genealogy and I came across Frederick during my research. His father Edward Booty was also an artist. There are plenty of examples of FWB's work online but very few of his fathers
4. chirping1 wrote:
 I am not related to him as such. The wife of my 3rd gt uncle had an unusual surname so I researched her family. When her aunt died the husband married Mary Booty, FWB was Mary's nephew.