Title: Had a rough week!
created on 12 Aug 15

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Comments on this picture (18):
1. indigo wrote:
 I'll say!! Feeling under the weather perhaps... looking a little green around the gills! I always want to stay on your good side! LOL!! *L*
2. indigo wrote:
 Well done Chirping! ^{^
3. chirping1 wrote:
 Oh just one of those weeks when every Mr & Mrs Tactless seem to be taking in turns to upset me on a daily basis but hey-ho that's life!!
4. hjjr wrote:
 expressive aargh!
5. clorophilla wrote:
 Oh my! It'd had been rough indeed!
6. mdawrcn wrote:
7. farout wrote:
 Made me laugh hope life gets better! :))
8. Normal wrote:
 Sorry to hear that - know the feeling!
9. bugoy1 wrote:
 Tough day? You still know how to rock a great image!
10. 56rosie wrote:
 Very good rendition of being stressed out
11. priya41 wrote:
 Hope you've got over it by now!!:)....great puc!
12. Fangzzz wrote:
 needs growling sound effects tee hee, wonderful drawing
13. Burgandy wrote:
 This is what I would call a very bad dream - but a very good image:)
14. mum23 wrote:
 You caught it well!! Hope things have improved...
15. Angela wrote:
 Amazing - and scary!
16. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Every adversity holds the potential for a great work of art! Very well evidenced here.
17. katidid wrote:
 Sorry you had a rough week! Great portrayal!
18. chirping1 wrote:
 Thanks everyone. You are right AFSOUTH...it certainly helped relieve my frustration drawing the picture!