Title: (test)
created on 10 Dec 14

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. katidid wrote:
 That makes a very pretty pattern!
2. Normal wrote:
 Did it work? Looks good to me.
3. bugoy1 wrote:
 Is the test to see how many blue-eyed frogs can look through a window? ;)
4. Fangzzz wrote:
 I made a drawing as a thank you to this delightful pattern
5. Baldur wrote:
 lol wonderful, I'll go check it out
6. Baldur wrote:
 Here is the image that I got this idea from..it comes from Pinterest... http://www.pinterest.c
7. Baldur wrote:
 Take out any spaces in the url when you paste it in your browser
8. Baldur wrote:
 What you can plainly see is that Baldur's take on the pattern embossed on the vase has little in common with my 'test'
9. Baldur wrote:
 Even the colour has been altered. All I wanted was the same feel.
10. JustaslaZy wrote:
 I like those colours against the background.