Title: The Catacombs go on & on
created on 18 Jan 09

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Baldur wrote:
 Jeri and Angus have stayed together in the Catacombs but the 7 androids have wandered on their own separate paths.
2. Baldur wrote:
 They have now traveled several kilometers slowly downward into the Alps. There has been no lack of wine or wheels of Gruyere.
3. Baldur wrote:
 The way has become much more labyrinthine as they go deeper into the mountains.
4. Luna wrote:
 They are now becoming a bit clastrophobic...
5. Luna wrote:
 Oh wait, that's just me....
6. puzzler wrote:
 Don't you know too much cheese gives you nightmares? Maybe it's all a bad dream?
7. Baldur wrote:
 even Gruyere? what a pity
8. brandon wrote:
 what does -y + i mean
9. Baldur wrote:
 I correct spelling that way Brandon, it's sort of a game I play in my head. In your case the word was 'Gummy', technically those candies are trademarked as 'Gummi'
10. Rasslebear wrote:
 such a perfectionist, as evidenced by his detailed drawings.
11. Baldur wrote:
12. Rasslebear wrote:
 i meant that in a GOOD way.
13. jmdx3mom wrote:
 -c +w -o +e +c -e -w +o