Title: pǝʇɔǝdxǝ
created on 06 Feb 14

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Howard Carter? -J*
2. Normal wrote:
 Nice to see Dr. Bear on the job once more. How do you get it to write upside down?
3. Baldur wrote:
 As silly as this sounds you go to www.upsidedowntext.com, type what you want to have inverted into the field and they convert it for you. Then you copy and paste it here. I am somewhat surprised that it is accepted as valid, but indeed it does work
4. Baldur wrote:
 Proofread what you invert carefully, Baldur cannot get the letter 'i' to work, there may be others as well.
5. mum23 wrote:
 cute... and thanks for the link!
6. Login wrote:
 Never expected to meet Dr Bear in the desert.
7. Baldur wrote:
 no one ever expects Dr. Bear