Title: borrowing a bit of the blue
created on 16 Sep 13

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Comments on this picture (22):
1. indigo wrote:
 Very nice linka. Feels cool, fresh, curious... makes one want to travel. I love that little piece of "earth" in the corner, dwarfed by the beautiful blueness. *J*
2. Lolla wrote:
 To be free in this vast domain!!! The last 3 pics is what I want to see from Linka - no more hiding behind tons of "bits"!! (all in the name of love)
3. linmar wrote:
 soothing, wondrous, deeply enchanting :D
4. methusalinka wrote:
 lolla you have looked thru me. but everything on earth must have its time. hiding too. but anyhow tak fortelling. it has in a way been following my life. four days ago I turned 180gr. one day I tell you how.
5. methusalinka wrote:
 and my telling you linmar indigo and you chelydra more than just tak.must be later or I am late.tak for nu
6. methusalinka wrote:
7. methusalinka wrote:
  pausing till I find out why. my one pic nineelevenfireman has been kicked out of showcase. its confusing. after being told he was ok. some even said more than that.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 and now he had to leave. so till I know why, I pause a bit. but TAK for all replies and for the faves too.such a precious gift.linka
9. clorophilla wrote:
 i feel the continuation of the previous pic... the seed grew and now is thriving and blossoming, in the quest of its shape...
10. methusalinka wrote:
 look under the other one. thats my own vue of the two pics. and for once thats what I stick to.hi
11. methusalinka wrote:
 tak for faves!
12. hjjr wrote:
13. methusalinka wrote:
 When I come back here, and see h o w brief I was,I say sorry!
14. methusalinka wrote:
 I had my mind elsewhere, till the nineelevenfireman was back in the showcase. he was taken out, cause it-he didnot seem to have anything to do with the theme New York. so folks tak for telling me sweet things to my ears and heart.
15. methusalinka wrote:
 now it has been proved that without comment-s nobody had a clew what that pic had to do in that showcase so...I cannot draw, so that the drawing wont need a text
16. methusalinka wrote:
 or..friendly uplifting mood-friends, who like what I do anyhow. and tak for det. and now that he IS back I want to finally give you all my real fealing of gratitude and relief.
17. methusalinka wrote:
 I had just made a pic that I chose to delete, though it had been submitted at first. a shitpic it was and out it went. but then my last 3 didnot feal so lousy.
18. methusalinka wrote:
 and as there even came your vues and your ideas to share plus more sweet things to my ears and heart. and faves. I was mighty glad. still am. once more tak.linka
19. Lizzi wrote:
 I agree with Clo...the small blue of the previous picture appears to have evolved into something wondrous!
20. methusalinka wrote:
 tak lizzi.
21. suzze wrote:
22. Fangzzz wrote:
 3D depth is wonderful. Your design is fully art.