Title: blown home by the wind
created on 08 Sep 13

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Comments on this picture (18):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 Good morning Linka! For you, it's nearly 6 p.m. so good evening, too. This windy picture tells me that the time is coming when the many-coloured leaves will be massing and dispersing at the whim of the wind.
2. methusalinka wrote:
  tak lizzi and godaften to you.who must now have come to 6-7pm-time. I can tell you that already here leaves are doing just that. but the very golden and orange and amber we have still to wait for. its just at the beginning now
3. methusalinka wrote:
  this night when its past midnight I shall recall your wish for me. and close now. when its time to sleep for you I also say Gods care and peace within you.
4. linmar wrote:
 beautiful design and title..reminds of fall leaves and the bounty of harvest
5. okeanos wrote:
 ditto limmar!!
6. indigo wrote:
 Yes, I can see what Lizzi and linmar see. But I also see looking from high above a canyon of buildings (city) with a river running through it. I'm not a city person but I do like this one a lot. *J*
7. methusalinka wrote:
 now I see both sceneries! I only saw one. and it was very close to the view you have indigo. a river thru a city. I used to be a city-one, but since 1997 am not. love it. away from city.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 anyhow there had to be blue. the idea of a river came and lucky for I cannot draw sails that look like sails. but bits do. so I put them on top. and somehow the boats are there in a row. on the river.glad you saw it too. indigo.
9. methusalinka wrote:
 but when you lizzi and you linmar and okeanos felt and saw a picture of the automn you made me see that too. and thats what makes us all tick to share ideas and seeing.
10. methusalinka wrote:
 guess thats because there was this home coming idea. and as automn is a new beginning and a stop in the same breath almost.
11. methusalinka wrote:
 well I can see (now thru your eyes and minds) why it can also be fall calling. thru that wind. those bits have it..its just to try to find it.see you again to morrow.thanks for the time and ideas shared.linka
12. priya41 wrote:
 Wonderful pic linka ! and the comments too! Your pics are so original and interesting
13. methusalinka wrote:
 yoour compliment makes me a bit shy and very very glad.tak priya41
14. bluemoon wrote:
 for me this has a city feeling and it is an excellent view from the sky
15. methusalinka wrote:
 yes bluemoon I can see it now. that from up-view. it was a city to be and I had a feeling of alexandria long long ago. but it might be any big city where water floats thru and carry the boats home.
16. lesley_gene wrote:
 Hello! This is lovely...home is the best place to be. Glad to see your heart and spirit in your pictures. Thank you for asking about me, I am well, just getting through a few tough spots in life. Hoping to get back to TD soon!
17. methusalinka wrote:
 tak lesley gene. I can hear hope, as music, and colours, in your comment. and I can feal your coming home. too. and going thru.has not taken you.and re the pic it was from the beginning...2
18. methusalinka wrote:
 2...that coming home for the boats that was the core.once I was home less. but now here in nordjylland it is. home. we say "hjemme" see you when you are ready for it. hej from linka