Title: away
created on 05 Aug 13

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 thats the title. but I am back to morrow here linka
2. Lizzi wrote:
 This is pretty! I'm glad you are back again. Your pictures are always so strong.
3. linmar wrote:
 nicely done with this background :)
4. nancylee wrote:
 So cool and comfortable. A place to rejuvenate from August!
5. clorophilla wrote:
 love the playback!
6. Burgandy wrote:
 Everyone is happy to see you back with your kindness, and all your work - including me:)
7. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Be well!
8. methusalinka wrote:
 dear friends you all made me feel safe and welcome. and I want to comment to each of you. but am too tired to night.so it shall be to morrow.till then smiles and tak from linka
9. methusalinka wrote:
 as mostly I get to the web late its again so but I want to do this before trying to sleep. it was not as promised the day after, but here comes nancylee you see something much more cheerful and peaceful than I did. but after you told me I begin to see wit
10. methusalinka wrote:
 with your friendly eyes. tak from linka
11. methusalinka wrote:
 lizzi funny that some times we can make pics strong when we dont feal strong at all. and sometimes we can make pics joyful when life show us the other side. and blend them seasons. so we feal the snow in august. and the spring in november.w
12. methusalinka wrote:
 and I guess when a picture comes out strong it might be cause the need to try to do it and the joy in there becomes stronger than my fear to fail.tak for finding it.hej from linka
13. methusalinka wrote:
 linmar! tried with a neutral background, but then there was no picture.so with it, its mystery the pick did borrow some too.hej from linka
14. methusalinka wrote:
 and here to you clo: the silvery bits and their air, right?! and TAK too for your reply abt. "pan" loved it to see it that way.began to feal less lost.as him with no flute did.for a while.cause tis so true. its all around.him,all.hej from linka.
15. methusalinka wrote:
 and burgandy! mighty glad to be told that. and to be here. so glad.in here kindness is in the air. I try to give some of it back.glad when I did.hej from linka
16. methusalinka wrote:
 AFSOUTH from your serious being comes this wish. and my reply: I shall try.
17. methusalinka wrote:
 and to you all tak for now. sorry that I could not keep my promise.to be back the next day. and now I guess comes a few days, not weeks, with no TD,focus on my tiny flat.needs a bit of caring.till then..next time. I send you all a big smile. linka