Title: beauty is all over in waiting...
created on 03 Aug 13

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. bluemoon wrote:
 amazing PB too
2. Lolla wrote:
 Why is he sad? Inside is a pretty, happy face with bright eyes ....
3. clorophilla wrote:
 love the hiden things that always are in your pics!
4. AFSOUTH wrote:
 A bold disguise!
5. methusalinka wrote:
 AFSOUTH well yes so many places it is bold to dare. but here its just safe. and ok.clo hidden they become when I dont know where w are going till we are time. I also love to be on such a tour . might dig it out.some day. godnat linka and nordjylland.
6. methusalinka wrote:
 and tak to you all.lolla bluemoon AFSOUTH and clo.each one in your way. make me happy.
7. methusalinka wrote:
 - finally I found my title..and as there was not room for it all. here comes the rest of it ..."to be found" and now again tis late.so off to sleepers land.maybe we see oneanother there.hi