Title: Pound
created on 02 Jun 13

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Comments on this picture (47):
1. five wrote:
 wow, this is great, especially as it comes together in the thumbnail, Hope all is good
2. bluemoon wrote:
3. Jazzlet wrote:
 Very cleverly done.
4. Hobbes wrote:
5. clorophilla wrote:
6. mdawrcn wrote:
7. suzze wrote:
8. priya41 wrote:
9. chelydra wrote:
 Thanks all...
10. clorophilla wrote:
 thank you for your nice comments on my pics. I want you to know that I consider you as a master, and find your art si so "brave" ((I would never dare to use colours and bits so freely as you do)
11. methusalinka wrote:
 to see it, I also had to see it in small, as you yourself chosen to let us see it. then I find what I just read. for I had to look it up.pound, ?! what is that. who is it. ..
12. methusalinka wrote:
 and then from far ago, dim but then clear, the first name came ezra..and vupti I could let the web tell me. and what was said about that one who was such a caring friend to his friends, not just in ideas shared
13. methusalinka wrote:
 but in actions done for them
14. methusalinka wrote:
 well to you who has given me some lines, that guides me on, tak
15. methusalinka wrote:
 when I see the face you just painted, I also see the man you honour. and your own way to take art in and live it.
16. chelydra wrote:
 Hiya Meth — Ezra P is sadly mostly remebered as a crackpot anti-semite who propagandized against his own country from Italy during WW2... but
17. chelydra wrote:
 ...not only was he a great and very influential, and a brilliant essayist, even his screeds on finance versus 'the real economy' may be have some value as we try to figure out how to stop the planet from dissolving into money...
18. chelydra wrote:
 (In #17 above I lost the word 'poet' from line 2, "but" from line 3) ... ... Blaming Jews for everything involving banks and money is a hoary tradition that's not only absurdly unfair and inaccurate, but also obscures and discredits some interesting crit
19. chelydra wrote:
  ... critiques of the 'dollars-and-cents logic' that substitutes for common sense in how our species runs the world... (Most of the blood-sucking bankers who run America would not even allow Jews in managerial positions until recent decades).
20. chelydra wrote:
 But with that one (major) proviso, I've found everything I've read by Pound (which is not much) fascinating and generally pretty lucid. He was a nut but not as mad or malignant or incomprehensible or unreadable as people say, imho.
21. chelydra wrote:
 After writing the above, I figured I'd better re-scrutinize EP's politics, lest I inadvertently endorse some really foul stuff...
22. chelydra wrote:
 ...okay, he WAS as malignant as people say . But then, most people (intellectual types especially) after years of Depression and other ills, thought Hitler and Mussolini -- or Stalin -- had the answers (or at least some answers)
23. chelydra wrote:
 ... and Modernism in art, literature, music, with its sense of mission, its elitism (contempt for mass culture tho not always for the masses themselves) , was inherently anti-democratic... Pound was perhaps the first great theorist/propagandist of what we
24. chelydra wrote:
 ...now call Modernism (although one day it will be seen for what it really was, the disruption of the earth's electromagnetic field by outer-planet oppositions in 1903-1913)
25. methusalinka wrote:
 kjære chelydra. this blunder craves for me saying: sorry. when one only reads the beginning of a text and fastened there. cause to be a friend in action -as the web said abt. him - imprresses me most. more than any prize ever would. well so I got to
26. methusalinka wrote:
 so wrong.
27. methusalinka wrote:
 be so wrong
28. methusalinka wrote:
 . shall we you I laugh or weep
29. methusalinka wrote:
 you once wrote to me.you always make sence. my life has shown me too often that that is not realy true. but tak anyhow. but this one. when I do. I do it thru. and to make a hero of one that would have scared me. so...
30. methusalinka wrote:
 given me the creep
31. methusalinka wrote:
 well ..how could he then sit up and listen to his sad friends night after night ..well life aint that easy
32. methusalinka wrote:
 to define or understand. but what you all tell me who has so little knowledge from books but was taught the best lessons behind bars and below them faithful stuborn and true trees.
33. methusalinka wrote:
 that can wait. and spell silence.and wait even more. (I do love them for it.)
34. methusalinka wrote:
 but isnt it odd that the ticket to the huge world of knowledge and wisdom also art-life-connected..that you hand me..all came to be so because of this all too big blunder.
35. methusalinka wrote:
 he must have been like all them now repeting the horror only worse.
36. methusalinka wrote:
 and you are you.
37. methusalinka wrote:
 yes : and you are you a friend. who a friend who give us all a helping hand. tak for min linka-methuz
38. methusalinka wrote:
 og jeg er .af roma og jødeslægt.bl.m.a. og med et liv pÃ¥ bunden. eller under den. .en af dem ham den poet ville ha taget livet af før hun ikke var lille mer. sÃ¥ det er da virkelig næsten sÃ¥ ironisk at jeg af alle valgte den ezra.
39. methusalinka wrote:
 mÃ¥ske osse fordi navnet klinger sÃ¥ smukt. og for en der elsker at lege med klange.. og tar en ud pÃ¥ rejse langt langt fra det nordjyske. og if you got curious as I hope you do pls. look it up.tak.
40. mum23 wrote:
 Wonderful! There's always much to learn from your portraits.
41. mum23 wrote:
 (and other pics too, of course, but especially from your portraits!) ☺
42. kyra99876 wrote:
 it looks like he is sad frum a break up
43. chelydra wrote:
 well, I was sad from two departures, but only one was permanent (though after 65 years). I guess it showed.
44. AFSOUTH wrote:
45. yarraki wrote:
 Thanks for the recent (too) kind comments, Chelydra. This portrait is brilliant, you make it look so easy!
46. Login wrote:
 Love it.
47. DilCoura wrote:
 Parabens Top 5!

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