Title: little
created on 24 Apr 13

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 are we all twice I got an ok,just to do one more. knowing a bit abt. who you are..I know you wont say why see you soon I hope linka
2. marg wrote:
 hallo, linka - you are a ThinkDraw artist and so it is great that you can sometimes find ways to keep in touch with us - but you are always with us, anyway :)
3. bluemoon wrote:
 hope you are well and happy & back soon
4. methusalinka wrote:
 hello and tak so much for what you now said to me. on top of what you all are to me.comes now this friend`s statement. so now I know and wont forget.not ever. so good to know. and so good to be.just that.
5. methusalinka wrote:
 see you next time I can get my fingers on the web some where.here they are waiting to have a game of bingo.I was just lucky that it had not begun yet.hi to all.
6. methusalinka wrote:
 smiles.that is for now to you marg and bluemoon.to reply what you ask-wish... not that well yet. but better than for a long time.and happy.yes.to have such friends as you.but back soon? well thats not to say.no one to help me.so guess it still takes a whi
7. methusalinka wrote:
 a while... but I carry you inside of me your lovely art all it has been and can be again one day. but even before that it is.a door a window to a certain way to be.and share.
8. Qsilv wrote:
 ja... med lite dandelion ludd önskemÃ¥l, att du skall bli nöjd!
9. methusalinka wrote:
 vi kalder dem mælkebøtter..vi har kaldt dem fandens mælkebøtter, men selv om sÃ¥ mange er sÃ¥ ivrige for at ta dem væk fra deres græsser i haver og grøftekanter...aven.. even
10. methusalinka wrote:
  ja sÃ¥ ved jeg at deep down er de blomster for os fulde af mod og glæde.de bare vil op.
11. methusalinka wrote:
 sÃ¥ du kan tro jag blir nojd, Qsilv, nar du ger mig den blomma har.and bluemoon to sense your caring for me. is a precious gift.tak.from linka