Title: "though I know it isn`t spring..."
created on 05 Jan 13

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 tralala tralala tralala pjanket overgivent Ã¥h som imellem grønne strÃ¥ alle dem jeg ikke sÃ¥ endnu for det er kun en iskold vinter men jeg kan mærke den igen vÃ¥ren som vil komme ja tralalalala.
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
 This is very pleasant looking linka!
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Entusiasme-linka bør være dit navn! Jeg ser uret hver eftermiddag for at se, hvor mange minutter af dagslys jeg har vundet. I love your purple picture!
4. nancylee wrote:
 Love that song!
5. chelydra wrote:
 I'll get to the song (thanx to Google-translations for every imaginable language, maybe I can figure out the 1950s Marais & Marnda Afrikaans lyrics while I'm at it)...
6. chelydra wrote:
 ...but first I wanted to say that this is a really fine abstract painting, and if it were in oils and just a bit roughter and looser, it could pass as one of the best from the old New York gang
7. chelydra wrote:
 (I meant Josef Marais and Miranda I meant... nice folky S Africans (a white couple), very popular in the US in early 1950s)
8. lesley_gene wrote:
 The dream of spring and sunshine is in your heart. :) Thank you always for your beautiful thoughts and pictures! :)