created on 14 Nov 12

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Comments on this picture (19):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 and all them blue blue blues
2. Lolla wrote:
 Hello Linka, I'm so glad you'r back (with your beautiful pics) and all your kind words and wisdom. What a sweet little girl came along!!! (What do u do at eldercenter?)
3. okeanos wrote:
 I hope joyful..tralala!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 This is marvellous! I like her expression. It looks as is she might be in the water.
5. methusalinka wrote:
 lolla af hjertet tak.mer til dig i morgen.linka
6. methusalinka wrote:
 okeanos! : she is now.
7. methusalinka wrote:
 ja lizzi I guess she is.and it was the first time I figured out how I could make her smile. .and VUPTI she smiles.but its about blues.so there might be a tear running in a while
8. methusalinka wrote:
 .to mingle with all the other water.so it becomes a salty tralalala-blues.a sunset-one. waving to and fro.and now godnat from linka
9. methusalinka wrote:
 lolla to give you an image of what is it with that elder center, called our vestergadeværested! well I would need to tell you a story.
10. methusalinka wrote:
 it begins tragic.but it does not end that way. so to me that place is more than just one for all who, though old, want to leave our nests and...still... fly a bit. to me it was to be saved, and not too soon.I was almost 60 when I found it
11. methusalinka wrote:
 when I took the train as far up north and west It could..and stayed up here.desperation more than courage it was.but God let it be there.just before me. when I was almost to die.
12. methusalinka wrote:
 lived for many many years on and with hunger-desease.due to: a basement where doctors forced 400 young people to obay.swallow water with so much lsd. that it was a crime.
13. methusalinka wrote:
 .experimenting on us,once a week for half a year. so that half of us died. .I did not but I was wrecked for many years.what your wire angel know for sure.
14. methusalinka wrote:
 ...I know too....and in a moment have to hurry..to have down there at the elder center one more time:the bliss of shared breakfirst there.still cannot eat elsewhere.but I did not die. and this nordjylland is so beautiful.
15. methusalinka wrote:
 we have oceans to the west and to the east so near.and the fjord..and the sky is so high up.and when light comes back in march april its like everbody stop and just are still and look so reliefed.so filled with gratitude.it did it again. ya.
16. methusalinka wrote:
 so that was and is my story.and you see why I now close to hurry.wave to you lolla.tak for listening.linka
17. methusalinka wrote:
 correction: "light come back" no light is here, all seasons. but as if its got a blanket over..and then it takes it off.in the very early almost spring.hi
18. clorophilla wrote:
 Linka thank you for giving us this little piece of your life. I'm glad you find a relief in this eldercenter with so beautiful natural habitat around. And I can't imagine how amazing and meaningful and strange could be to live so north
19. methusalinka wrote:
 thank you clo for your responding to my telling here.it was a little scaring to dare to.but felt necessary by now.and yes up north is up north.and has its bliss.just as I imagine when I dream of the south, it must have.hi linka