Title: as if
created on 24 Oct 12

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. hjjr wrote:
 beautiful delight
2. bluemoon wrote:
3. clorophilla wrote:
4. lesley_gene wrote:
 So lacy and delicate. very pretty!
5. methusalinka wrote:
 I am honoured.tak to all of you.to your hands and heart from mine.linka
6. Qsilv wrote:
 lacy... jewel-filled... my fingers want to sift through these delicate bits
7. methusalinka wrote:
 qsilv I am really pausing TD till monday. but if I recall right you were once in summer the commenting giving me a swedish song Till Havet...
8. methusalinka wrote:
 ...anyhow when the clefted lip pic was up because you made a very alive little one with his pacifiermilksuckbottle..it lit so much fire in me and made me go back in time when my boy could not have one..into his clefted mouth
9. methusalinka wrote:
 you could not know no one is to blame but the very tender picture made a mess in me..and also moved and touched me emmensely..but now you send me this comment so filled with feeling that I can dry my eyes and smile happy.be back in october 2012.tak.sÃ¥
10. methusalinka wrote:
 tack sÃ¥ mycket