Title: My English Teacher
created on 09 Sep 12

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. arty wrote:
 Welcome to thinkdraw. Your teacher, as well as being pretty, must have been very good, as your English is excellent. I am also on my own. My dear husband died three yrs ago. I also spend a lot of time on my computer playing Majong, and helping to look aft
2. arty wrote:
 after my five wonderful granchildre. Take care
3. Normal wrote:
 You made a very complimentary picture of her, especially considering you used lunartics! I'm always happy to find another TDer in the over-60 group!
4. Mechima wrote:
 Arty. So nice of you and thanks. As I stay alone I justspend my time at the computer and try to do something new. I play a lot of Jigsaws which help me keepmy brain alive. do write once ina while.
5. Mechima wrote:
 Norma, That was very nice of you. I am now over 85. and stay alone. So I have my computer only to play with. Hope to receive more comments on my future pictures Thank you.
6. clorophilla wrote:
 Hi mechima and welcome, congrats for your 85! My mom is 83 and she's well lively too! Normal, I'm near to join your group, bc soon I'll have my 58th BD!
7. methusalinka wrote:
 hi Mechima your way of making your pics..I just love it.and as normal said good to have more friends here past 60.I am 73.and also alone. one son, no grand children yet.welcome this early fall.did not find you till now.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 your teacher here is well done.and so fun. cause you would not have to tell she is english.its easy to see.and she could be from here in nordjylland danmark too.its the top of a country with no mountains.but lots of oceans and fjords..and meadows.and woo
9. methusalinka wrote:
 woods meadows and gardens. .a tiny land in a huge world.hi from linka

User: Mechima

Profile Picture for Mechima

Date joined: 18 Aug 2012

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