Title: fugletraek mod sydens sol
created on 03 Sep 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 wish you guys knew my alfabet..my language.you are my friends.and I want to share with you.also what comes nearest, when its in the language I know best.
2. methusalinka wrote:
 I tried to look it up..fugletræk, as the poetic word we have for that event. only it does not exist in engl.not in one word.closest comes birds that fly away. thats beautiful too. but as they dont fly one by one there is a word telling this
3. methusalinka wrote:
 so that behind eyelids we see it..happen again, each year at this time."fugletrækket" it is seen and it forms a geometrical form, only I do not know its name, in engl.we say "kile" and when it happens that the "kile" up high is seen it is like a poe
4. methusalinka wrote:
 written in black. for the distance takes away the colour of the feathers..but not the spelling we come back.one day.
5. methusalinka wrote:
 its a picture in the sky of longing. and of dying, yet also one of a stubborn season on the edge of nothingness.bring back everything.promised
6. methusalinka wrote:
 and "mod sydens sol" is that they fly there..to make it. to come to the land where the sun is not so low.half sleeping.sydens sol is a metaphore for what we miss when we almost have noses of ice.and nonstop cold feet.and thats all for now.a goodnighttal
7. methusalinka wrote:
 typos again sorry! should be: a goodnighttale from nordjylland and from linka
8. methusalinka wrote: