Title: stille hjerte sol gaar ned
created on 23 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 And that sounds like perfect peace and a good night's sleep. Your picture expresses the thought very well.
2. methusalinka wrote:
 you are so right.it is a lovely song:... be silent now heart,sun is setting... and after so many nights with very little and late sleep, I decied that not to night.so to you as to my other TD friends,I now say tak and godnat.
3. polenta wrote:
 godnat must mean good night. It's very nice
4. clorophilla wrote:
 methuza- about FT: Arum is the name of that flower, we have many of that in my garden and it's one of my favourites. FT was about "white flowers on white" (so claimed Lizzi). my Arum is III because is the 3th of a series, here they are the other two: http
5. clorophilla wrote:
 here they are the other two: http://www.thinkdraw.com/picture.php
?pictureId=129556 and http://www.thinkdraw.com/picture.php
6. methusalinka wrote:
 still not made that white flower, shall one of these days.try to. but what I saw in forum pics with just one item.colour.might have some.try to find them.now godnat and again clo dankon