Title: stille liv
created on 23 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. clorophilla wrote:
 beautiful colours!
2. methusalinka wrote:
 they them coulors call now.at least up here in this country, where after a few days of very late summer, the early automn is back.
3. methusalinka wrote:
 just heard we are in for storm rain and chilly.again! but we are not in taiwan.or caribian ocean. where its real nasty
4. methusalinka wrote:
 here its very seldom huge storms.but though thats luck how we did miss summer this year one could almost not tell it is here in a mail, and then it was gone again. and now all too soon automn is back..
5. methusalinka wrote:
 but being born late automn, I also love that season, only it might have waited a bit more.just a bit well clo late again.so I say godnat.