Title: she does not know yet,but...
created on 22 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. Lolla wrote:
 Oh Mor, de spiser bare sa sode (sound better in my own language, but you'l understand what I meant. Sorry for the spelling but I don't have a keyboard with all these characters or I'm plain stupid) LOVE THIS111
2. indigo wrote:
 I see this and I think teach and guide the little ones... ~J^
3. methusalinka wrote:
 lolla first you are only stupid ..and even then you are not..when you call your self stupid, for you are wise, and you know it.
4. methusalinka wrote:
 and I know it. but though thats a fact, I cannot really get into your danish sentence.spise?? spelling does not matter but spise means eat.and they do not eat.
5. methusalinka wrote:
 so now *I am confused.anyhow thanks for faving them and for trying to tell me in our same language.dansk
6. methusalinka wrote:
 ,but try again in your most own language, and I tell you what it is in danish.a good feeling when you write danish to me.ever since alle de engle rundt om os..all the angles around us.
7. methusalinka wrote:
 when you did reveal that you understand and can write some danish.but now I know its not your own first language.anyhow tak for using it to me.
8. methusalinka wrote:
  have seen two other who know scandinavian.one is ansara from close to the sønderjydske border,there they have a way to say møjn thats so cosy.
9. methusalinka wrote:
 and then there is a swede.once he commented on my pic til havet,by quoting the first lyric of a beautiful swedish song, Till havet... .
10. methusalinka wrote:
 or the Ocean or the Sea.that was a good surprise to have that song.and when you suddenly skriver pÃ¥ dansk til mig, er det osse en god overraskelse lolla.hej for nu. og godnat from linka
11. methusalinka wrote:
 and indigo you must have read if not my mind and heart then my hands.and them bits wanting to..for its so close ..."teach and guide the little ones" you said.and yes thats it.
12. methusalinka wrote:
 only the little ones are not related, and not so little.only in comparison to the teacher.or maybe not even that,but in size sure,
13. methusalinka wrote:
 but yes as I finally knew the title should say it.learning.tak for your comment indigo and godnat again.from linka