Title: stille:en til sommer vinker farvel
created on 12 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. bluemoon wrote:
 haunting and beautiful
2. clorophilla wrote:
3. priya41 wrote:
 nice pic! love the colours
4. Burgandy wrote:
 This is nice!
5. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful! Love Fall! ^J^
6. sandm wrote:
 Ein Spätsommertag, das hab ich heute zum ersten Mal so richtig gespürt. Die Schatten sind länger und die Luft riecht "herbstlich". Es ist meine liebste Jahreszeit.
7. sandm wrote:
 Wir sagen hier - am Land - "Altweibersommer". :) Hab ich das vielleicht letztes Jahr schon gesagt??
8. methusalinka wrote:
 tak to you all. and want to add. you all in your own way give me courage strength and and friendship incl.laughs and smiles..to go on..its so good to share.godnat to you all
9. methusalinka wrote:
 and sandm.my bit of german is enough I guess to nod.smiling.and clo.share your sigh.but it does come back.to us.some day godnat fra linka
10. kata wrote:
 beautiful fall colors and the movement of the leaves..
11. methusalinka wrote:
 just before I close here.thanks kata. ja leaves are wise they know how.and they dare.godnat.