Title: alien vs human (fixed) hit >
created on 10 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. 101joee101 wrote:
 if you had watched the other two of alien vs human, please ignore those. i was planing to make alien vs human > my only one but i only had ten minutes so it was short and not very clear. the second one was the same, but i had twenty minutes so it was a ti
2. 101joee101 wrote:
 p.s it got cut off so ill continue. the second one was the same, but i had twenty minutes so it was a tiny bit longer and more clear. this one is my final copy.
3. Lizzi wrote:
 ^_^ Pretty fierce battlr!
4. linmar wrote:
 nice animation!
5. Normal wrote:
 Looked like a lose-lose situation!
6. 101joee101 wrote:
 do you people want a part two?

User: 101joee101

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Date joined: 31 May 2009

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