Title: What's your method?
created on 06 Jan 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Ernie wrote:
 I'm curious. Do you decide what to draw, then work out how? or start fiddling and get inspiration? How do you decide on what to draw?
2. lynnspotter wrote:
 I do it both ways~also get ideas from other TD artists. & then theres google....
3. qwer wrote:
 Start with an idea, sometimes use a picture, usually turns into something else though.
4. matthew wrote:
 I start with an idea... used to just draw it but would often be disproportioned... so now i google some examples of what i want to make sure i know what i am drawing is at least correct...
5. marg wrote:
 see something in my mind.. try it.. see something else in what I've done that is better (the pictures you can do are limitless, aren't they ?)
6. marg wrote:
 mind you, I think planning a pic (see palmasbob, matthew, etc.), will usually give you better results
7. puzzler wrote:
 If I'm doing a serious pic and not a frivolous one, I'll find a pic, then quickly sketch it in pencil or pen, to simplify it and then choose the best category to work with. You can tell when someone has planned, by the quality.

User: Ernie

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Date joined: 1 Nov 2008

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