Title: behind the curtain
created on 26 Jul 12

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. Meander wrote:
2. clorophilla wrote:
 It happened before, and this time too, that one of your pics recalls me the pic of another artist which caught my immagination in past. This time immediately I recall Danila's pic: http://www.thinkdraw.com/picture.php
3. methusalinka wrote:
 hi clorophilla! at first this your comment made me unsure. is it a bad thing that some of my pics resemble others. yes and no. but anyhow I tried to put away the uncertainty saw your other comments to me and decided that I follow your advice
4. methusalinka wrote:
 one step said it and then I was in a trip I would not have had if without your comment. so tak a thousands times for this. at first I went wrong ...technic and me!!! and I came to one you called gwyn..
5. methusalinka wrote:
 ..when I had been there and seen no pic with a crossing line..I got curious and lokked around, but then went straight to the right one.and besides the line well see what I wrote to her, and if you could feel what I envy your guis who can draw..
6. methusalinka wrote:
 ..only, when with them bits and themes, I just forget about it. and go on. as if I could. but lets take faces, want to make one that comes to life.like yours like her like many I have seen.
7. methusalinka wrote:
 in ink and choal when much younger I loved to draw trees and skyes etc. but faces very very seldom.how does one get it right I wonder.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 and now this danila what a young and n o t wrinnkled face her pic had.waw waw. my pick came this morning in a hurry just had to, cause I was mad at me and wanted to delete some picks.
9. methusalinka wrote:
 but before I did I began one new. a quickie. some times its deep work. many doubts. and sometimes
10. methusalinka wrote:
  as if it-they was-were just waiting.but how it is tough and takes every bit of selfsureness...when its a mess. and stays that way! end for now, have a good night when it does come to italy. and a beatiful morning..dawn maybe..at the sea.
11. methusalinka wrote:
 meander yoy get the last for to see wonderful below my moses pict written is like having got there where what i do this late in my life has a sweet tune to share.tak and godnat
12. clorophilla wrote:
 methusalinka don't worry your pics does not resemble to others, they have an evocating power and sometimes recall other pics to me. My mind always find connections and association, even where apparently there are'nt real similarities. My mind functions in
13. clorophilla wrote:
 My mind always find connections and association, even where apparently there are'nt real similarities. My mind functions in such way. Behind the curtain, in Danila's pic, there is someone (That I imagine as Danila himself); the "anything" behind your curt
14. clorophilla wrote:
 the "anything" behind your curtain is instead still not unfolded to our sigh. Please don't delete your pics!